Today, The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 come into force. The regulation states that websites must obtain consent from their users before storing any information in the form of cookies - a cookie is a small file of letters and numbers stored your computer or other access device.
The sole cookie used by PinnacleApp™ is a session cookie that is strictly necessary for the provision of the website. The cookie links your actions during a browser session such as the contents of your basket or your last search. This is a valid exception to the regulations and as such, no consent is required.
The spirit of the regulation is to ensure users know about cookies and how they might affect their privacy online. We will be acting on the ICO's advice by providing information about the cookies used on your site and those set by third parties such as Google Analytics and AddThis in due course.
The ICO recently updated their policy to allow organisations to use implied consent meaning users do not need to explicitly choose to accept cookies. Their continued use of a site would be enough to mean they are happy for information to be stored. Some of the new features we have planned for PinnacleApp™ will require the use of cookies. When we update your site we will implement additional measures to notify users of the presence of cookies and their impact.